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Your Prestige Head Coach can help you find a venue!
Do I need to book a venue?
Yes. Once Prestige Sports have confirmed availability for your Laser Party you can book your venue. Its a good idea to have a few venues in mind in advance. If you are struggling, Prestige Sports will try to assist in your venue search.
What type of venue is suitable for a Laser Party?
A Laser Tag Party will work well in most halls. Village Halls are fine, as are primary school Halls and Sports Halls. An area slightly bigger than a badminton court is recommended. We recommend Laser tag parties to take place indoors.
Do Prestige Sports provide catering for birthday parties?
No, the customer must organise and catering required privately. This could be outsourced or done yourselves.
Does the venue need to be a dark room for Laser tag?
Of course a dark room, or somewhere you can dim the lights makes the laser tag experience a bit more immersive. However, this is not a specific requirement. The laser tag equipment can still work in a light room and children will still have plenty of fun!